Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bible in 365

Hello Facebook, MySpace friends, and BlogSpot friends,

Let’s read the Bible in 365 days, (No offense to my Non-Christian friends)

I am stealing this idea from one of my facebook friends because it is a brilliant idea. Most of my Florida facebook friends are already going along with this but I want to get my Twin Cites and other Minnesota friends involved in it.

I am well into Kings II and I want to get as many of my friends involved as possible. I’m officially kicking off the “Bible in 365” Sunday at 7:00 am starting with Matthew of the New Testament and at 9:00 pm with Genesis of the Old Testament.

My hope is to get in two hours of Bible reading a day or as close to two hours as possible. If you want to read more that is great but if you can’t get in two hours a day well, do as must as you can. No pressure or Judgment.

I already have a commitment from my wife. Now, how many of my online friends can I count on?

God Bless Everyone

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