Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Easter Prayer

On this Easter Sunday, I am reminded of the sacrifice that you, Jesus Christ, the savior to the world, paid so we your children could live. All we are required to do is believe you are the son of God who died on the cross for our sins and accept your blessing, the blessing of your love, charity and mercy. We are so unworthy of your love and we fall so short of your love but you love us anyway. We are born in sin and through your love we are reborn in the light and glory. In the darkest of times, you make your presence known. So I ask you to give us the strength to shed our sins from our bodies because our bodies are your temple. Oh father, use us as your vehicle to spread your word and through your love we learn and live by your word. I thank you for blessing us with your love and one blessed day we will walk beside you in the kingdom of heaven but while we are on this earth give us the strength to walk the path you have chosen. It is an honor, a pleasure to be your servants to do your will. Please father, open our eyes to your word and show us our destiny, the way, the in only way that is righteous. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bible in 365

Hello Facebook, MySpace friends, and BlogSpot friends,

Let’s read the Bible in 365 days, (No offense to my Non-Christian friends)

I am stealing this idea from one of my facebook friends because it is a brilliant idea. Most of my Florida facebook friends are already going along with this but I want to get my Twin Cites and other Minnesota friends involved in it.

I am well into Kings II and I want to get as many of my friends involved as possible. I’m officially kicking off the “Bible in 365” Sunday at 7:00 am starting with Matthew of the New Testament and at 9:00 pm with Genesis of the Old Testament.

My hope is to get in two hours of Bible reading a day or as close to two hours as possible. If you want to read more that is great but if you can’t get in two hours a day well, do as must as you can. No pressure or Judgment.

I already have a commitment from my wife. Now, how many of my online friends can I count on?

God Bless Everyone

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My morning walks

 In high school, I maintained my sanity by walking 45 minutes to school. People wondered what I was thinking about, “What is wrong?” They asked. I shrugged my shoulders and say in response “nothing.” Actually, I really didn’t have a problem walking to school. It was rather nice. The hour just before sunrise was peaceful. The sidewalks were empty and no cars were on the street. I had ample time to think without being distracted by people’s constants demands. This was the time I owned and my time to reflect, hope and dream. My family demanded that I started taking the school bus but I wasn’t giving the time God gave me as a gift. I refuse to take the bus even if I had money because I wasn’t in a rush to get to my destination. Usually when I arrived, I was taunted, yelled and screamed at. My walks were my time before I was at the disposal of others. This was the slice of pie I tasted everyday. I gathered my thoughts and collect some inner peace.

I am an old man now (Well older, 27) and I realized that I have the power to create an environment that I wish to live in. I have the choice to have live in an environment where my needs are met and Yes, I still have the option of taking long walks. I’ll never give that part of my life. It is where I’m restored and grow. It is where I come with idea and my hopes for the future.